

Sleep, wikipedia tells me its: a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity, and inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles.  I call it "that thing I do when I'm tired". Ive always had a few issues with sleep, but as of late I've been having more issues than usual, so, in honor of not being able to sleep tonight either here is a small list of things to do to help you sleep.

- Getting ready for sleep . Try to go to bed when you're sleepy. this sounds odd, but lets say you are tired, its late you dont feel all that sleepy but you go to bed anyway. You are tired right? Surely you'll fall asleep, right? Wrong.  Your body secretes a hormone called melatonin, it has the cool title of  "hormone of darkness",  it s only secreted when your body is ready to sleep, and it promotes sleep in the person.
So really its best only to fall asleep when your body is ready What do you do then? 
1) Hot baths. The sleep cycle has been found to be linked with body temperature, so why not try a warm relaxing bath. Fill the tub, turn off the lights and relax in the tub for about half an hour before bed time. Once you're done you should bb primed and ready for a nice sleep.
2) Guided imagery. This is a form of meditation that helps (at least helps me)  one fall asleep. When you are in bed first imagine counting down from 24 to 1 in bright neon colours. Once you reach zero imagine the nicest most calming place in the world, it has everything you want. A waterfall, a meadow, an odd yet adorable furry pony.  And just imagine resting there. Alternatively, you can imagine designing something. A dress, a house, an overly complex mansion, something to keep your mind occupied until you drift to sleep.
3) Music. Another nice thing to do is to play soft or relaxing music. I usually have a playlist that plays when Im going to sleep. A collection of songs that calm me... there is one track, track 11 that I always play when I',m falling asleep, to the point that when I hear it now, it just puts me to sleep.
4) Milk and honey. Cant sleep? try a bit of milk and honey to get you warm and ready for bed again.
5) that one thing, everyone has that one thing that just immediately puts them to sleep, for me its a full belly or paranormal tv shows.  When I watch paranormal tv shows I knock out, completely. Not just that, but i have a tendency to have lucid dreams, btu this works better for naps.


  1. I usually go through my body and tell it to relax. I start with my feet and I don't stop until that part relaxes. I never get past my legs. "Relax feet relax" repeat until it feels like your feet are full of "sand"

  2. Thats really cool,I'll try that later
